Later on I might watch the season premiere of Psych from Wednesday, but we'll see if I'm awake.
Some exciting news from the weight front: I lost my 5 percent! One of the things Weight Watchers has people focus on when they're starting out is losing a percentage of their starting body weight. I lost my five percent as of this past Tuesday, which feels awesome. It's possible I might be at 10% by Christmas, which is pretty exciting. It was even better because last week was a pretty rough week food-wise. I was starving pretty much all the time and I ate WAY more points than I was supposed to every day. Luckily I got a lot of extra workout points to help balance it out, but I was a little worried when I stepped on the scale. And, as it turned out, it was better than it usually was. Imagine that! Well, I won't question it too much, I'm just glad it is what it is.
Speaking of food, I promise that the pumpkin cupcakes will be posted about. In the meantime, I made more cupcakes that I took into work today: mummy and spiderweb cupcakes. The initial plan was to make all mummy cupcakes, similar to the ones found on the Better Homes & Gardens Halloween site. But when I decided that those weren't turning out very well, I decided to do a little bit of ad-libbing with the leftover orange icing from the pumpkin cupcakes, the white icing for the mummy cupcakes, and the black decorating gel I had bought. It worked out pretty well. They were really popular at work, which is good. One of the problems with bringing in baked goods like cupcakes to work is that I don't eat them, so I don't know if they're any good before I feed them to people.
Anyway, the finished results were made with Duncan Hines dark chocolate fudge cake, Betty Crocker cupcake icing, Pillsbury Supreme vanilla frosting dyed orange, and red and black decorating gels.
I didn't want to take any home, so I decided to add a note to encourage people to take some.
Finally, because I managed to take my camera into the office, I took some pictures of the decorations. It's nothing groundbreaking. Things are pretty straight laced in the school where I work, but people definitely feel in the spirit when they walk into our suite.
Jade's desk, when you first walk in the door. It's got the jack-o-lantern orange garland that I bought at Michael's. One of the professors walked in the other day and thought we were a little ahead of ourselves on the Christmas decorations and then realized it was for Halloween.
Vanessa's desk, to the left when you first walk in the door. The pumpkin on the left came from Wal-Mart or Target a few years ago when we hadn't had time to carve anything, and the one on the right is from Giant a few weeks ago. They both light up. Vanessa thinks the one on the left is scary, but said it was counterbalanced by the less scary one on the right.
The door to my office, with the ghost and two pipe-cleaner jack-o-lanterns, from Michael's and HomeGoods respectively. I added on the rest of the foam decorations from the GA desk to my door later in the day after I took this picture.
And now picture spam of my office.
Well, that's the office. I'll hope to have more posts soon. I'm off to a corn maze this weekend, so that should be worth a few laughs on Sunday. And tomorrow is my last PT session, which is kind of sad because I really like my trainer, but I don't have the money to keep going to these sessions. What I've learned, however, I can take with me as I keep working out at the gym at work. And I have nail polish reviews. I currently am wearing a gorgeous purple glitter, but I haven't been able to take pictures because it's been so dark and gloomy every day and I haven't had the natural light necessary to make it look anything but black. Sad. But I'll get them. I promise!